Deferred Disposition

Not everyone is eligible for deferred disposition. Be certain to check the requirements to see if you are eligible. If you are, submit documents via the Tool Municipal Court Portal.



Deferred Disposition is a type of probation that can dismiss your citation if you meet certain criteria. You will be on probation up to 180 days, depending on the kind of violation.


When you successfully complete deferred disposition, there is no final conviction and the complaint may not be used against you for any purpose. A conviction will not be reported.


  • You were charged with going 25 miles or more over the speed limit.
  • You are charged with a violation in a construction or maintenance work zone when workers are present.
  • You hold a commercial driver’s license or held one at the time you were cited for the offense.
  • You have successfully completed deferred disposition in the last 12 months.


Your answers to these questions to determine if you qualify for deferred disposition:

  • Do you have a valid driver’s license?
  • Was there an accident involved at the time you received your citation?
  • Are you now on deferred disposition for a citation anywhere?
  • Have you been placed on deferred disposition within the 12 months preceding the date of this citation?

Please note:

  • If you are under 25 you will be required to take a driver safety course as a condition of deferred disposition.
  • If you qualify, you will be required to pay a special expense fee and court costs at the time of the application.

If your case is eligible, you may apply and submit documents through the Tool Municipal Court Portal. Photographs of documents are acceptable as long as they are legible.

Remember, deferred disposition is a way of having your citation dismissed after satisfactory completion of the probationary period in which no additional convictions are received and all requirements imposed in the deferred order are satisfied.